Antonio Tabucchi cancels his participation
Antonio Tabucchi, one of the finest Italian writers, has at the last moment cancelled his participation at the 14th Prague Writers´ Festival.
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Six years with Konfes
Konfes has been co-operating with the Prague Writers´ Festival for six years now.
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For the fans of M. Pavlata
We regret to bring a sad news for the fans of Michal Pavlata -one of the most popular festival moderators .
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Roth's "March" in the theatre
The theatre Lyra Pragensis presents the staging of March Radetzky. The ceremonial opening will take place at the end of the PWF.
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Interview with Michael March
The Czech newspaper Pravo has published in its cultural supplement SALON
a long interview with Michael March, the president of the Prague Writer´ Festival.
Shalev was heavily injured
Immediately after we have been informed that the American poet John Ashbery had to cancel his appearance in the 14th year of the Festival due to illness we received more sad news.
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John Banville´s "Prague Pictures"
John Banville traces Prague's often tragic history and portrays the people who made it,
and paints a portrait of the Prague of today.
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BEI DAO at the National Library in Prague
The poet Bei Dao inaugurated the Prague Writers´ Festival readings
at the National Library with the launch of his poetry book, Night Watch.
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Susan Sontag awarded
The American writer and essayist Susan Sontag was awarded the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade 2003.
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An unknown...
We have been seeing her for several years already - a ruffled and always hurrying student...
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Film production of Konwicki
On the occasion of the attendance of Tadeusz Konwicki on the festival the Polish Institute in Prague is preparing a presentation of his films.
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He has many friends in Prague
The author, who is closely connected with Prague, is Gary Shteyngart. He was born in 1972 in former Leningrad in the Soviet Union, and in 90s he studied at the Charles University in Prague.
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Orly Castel-Bloom is coming
We can look forward to Orly Castel-Bloom. She comes from Israel and this will be her first time in the Czech Republic.
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The New Yorker on Joseph Roth
In The Critics/Books Supplement of The New Yorker, Joan Acocella writes about the Austrian writer Joseph Roth.
We quote from long article:
"Thanks to these people (publishers Neil Belton and Robert Weil and translator
Michael Hofmann - note PWF), all the novels are now in print in English. As the new translations have come out,
Roth has been the subject of long, meaty review-essays. There have been Roth conferences. (This spring,
there will be two more, in Prague and in Vienna, sponsored by the Prague Writers´Festival.) There is now
an academic industry of sorts. Still, Roth has received only scant attention, relative to his achievement.
There is no biography of him in English. (An American, David Bronsen, wrote a biography, but it was published
only in German, in 1974.) Indeed, there are only three books in English on Roth´s work. Even more striking,
to me, is how seldom he is spoken of. In The past few years, I have made a point of asking literary people what
they know about him. Most have not read him; many say, "Who?" I didn´t know his name until three yars ago, when
a friend put a copy of "The Radetzky March" into my hand."