14th Prague Writers´ Festival
Joseph Roth: I don't know where I'm going

Authors  Eda Kriseová
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Eda Kriseová

Born in Prague 1940 in the family of an architect and a sculptress. She studied journalism at Charles University in Prague and after graduation worked as a reporter mainly during Prague´s Spring in 1968. She has travelled extensively and has worked as a voluntary worker on projects for the developing countries, also in kibbutz in Israel. After the Soviet Invasion and occupation of Czechoslovakia Eda Kriseová ´s text were banned from the newspapers and magazines, in addition she was also not allowed to publish any of the books that she had begun to write.

She lost her job and belonged to Prague´s group of disidents, intellectuals in opposition, she participated in different activities such as publishing the underground literary revue, samizdat etc. During the "Velvet Revolution" 1989 she became a speaker for Václav Havel, then, when Havel was elected president, she worked until 1992 in his office as his advisor, later as assistent. Eda Kriseová livs in Prague and works as freelance writer.

Principal works:
  • Short story collections, including The Carriage Coachmanś Calvary, The Sundial, What Happened
  • Novels including The Woman from Pompeii, Cat Lives, Misericordia, Perchta from Rosenberg or The White Lady
Non fiction: Václav Havel, The Autohorized Biography. Together with Petr Příhoda, Jiří Gruša and Josef Platz under the pseudonym František Jedermann: Verlorene Geschichte , das heutige Sudetenland. Jiří Gruša, Eda Kriseová, Petr Pithart.: Prag, Einst Stadt der Tschechen, Deutschen und Juden

Eda Kriseová works is found in many prestigious Anthologies, mainly in Germany and in the USA and in different literary revues and magazines. (The English translations were included in : The Writing on the Wall, 1983, Description of a Struggle, 1994, Allskin and other Tales, 1998). Some of her short stories are translated in norwegian, polish, japanese, swedish, bulgarien etc. The Biography of Václav Havel has been translated in 7 languages.

Last modification of this page: 28th January 2004 15:49

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Information content: © 1998-2004 Festival spisovatelů Praha,
Křemencova 7, 110 00 Praha 1, march@pwf.pragonet.cz
Website: © 2001-2003 CP Online, a.s.

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